Approved Technologies

The SAFETY Act provides two levels of liability protections for approval: Designation and Certification. By obtaining either Designation or Certification, companies obtain a level of legal protection in case their technology is ever put to use during a terrorist attack. See below for a list of approved technology certifications.


AMETEK Inc.: Detective®

Approved: September 11, 2006 | Expires: October 31, 2011

AMETEK Inc., provides the Detective® product line, consisting of stand-alone HPGe-based Handheld Radio Nuclide Identifiers that can detect, locate, (and for some models) identify radioactive and nuclear materials.

Lockheed Martin Corporation: Systems Engineering and Integration Services (SEIS) for the Fixed and Mobile Defender™ Systems

Approved: September 08, 2006 | Expires: October 31, 2011

Lockheed Martin Corporation provides Systems Engineering and Integration Services (SEIS) for the Fixed and Mobile Defender™ Systems. The Defender™ systems are designed to detect the presence of chemical, biological, radiological/nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) threats and warn appropriate personnel.

Valor Security Services: Security Services

Approved: August 31, 2006 | Expires: September 30, 2011

Valor Security Services provides Security Services. These services include physical security project management and security guard staffing services for retail commercial facilities.

Idaho Technology Inc.: RAZOR

Approved: August 15, 2006 | Expires: May 31, 2011

Idaho Technology Inc. provides the RAZOR, a field-hardened, hand-held, battery-operated, Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) device for identifying biological warfare agents.

Northrop Grumman Information Technology, Inc.: Secure Broadband Wireless Communication Infrastructure

Approved: August 15, 2006 | Expires: July 31, 2011

Northrop Grumman Information Technology, Inc., provides Secure Broadband Wireless Communication Infrastructure, a wireless network infrastructure for connecting devices to databases and command and control structures.

Smiths Detection, Inc.: HI-SCAN Conventional Cabinet X-Ray

Approved: August 08, 2006 | Expires: July 31, 2011

Smiths Detection, Inc., provides HI-SCAN Conventional Cabinet X-Ray. The HI-SCAN systems includes a series of different sized X-ray inspection equipment used to screen checked luggage and carry-on items at airports as well as mail and other deliveries in the public or private sectors.

BioPort Corporation: BioThrax®

Approved: August 08, 2006 | Expires: July 31, 2011

BioPort Corporation provides BioThrax®, a vaccine to prevent the symptoms associated with infection with anthrax.

Lockheed Martin Corporation: Biological Aerosol Warning System (BAWS)

Approved: August 08, 2006 | Expires: July 31, 2011

The Lockheed Martin Corporation provides the Biological Aerosol Warning System (BAWS). BAWS is a networked array of single-point sensor nodes that can alert a user to the presence of biological particulates by discriminating particle sizes of drawn-in air, processing the sensor input, capturing particulate samples on a dry filter, and reporting the presence of these particles to the proper decision makers.

Gunnar Manufacturing, Inc.: Protective Office Furniture System

Approved: July 26, 2006 | Expires: August 31, 2011

Gunnar Manufacturing, Inc., provides the Protective Office Furniture System, a suite of furniture consisting of a desk, bridge, credenza with overhead storage unit, a box/box/file pedestal, two-drawer lateral file cabinet and a Personal Protection Pod (PPP). It is intended to help safeguard office workers by providing them a safe place to hide under their desks in the event of a structural ceiling collapse due to natural disaster, criminal activity, or terrorist act.

BlastGard® International, Inc.: BlastWrap® and BlastGard® Mitigating Trash Receptacles

Approved: July 17, 2006 | Expires: June 30, 2011

BlastGard® International, Inc. provides BlastWrap® and BlastGard® Mitigating Trash Receptacles. BlastWrap® can be deployed to mitigate (i.e., contain) the effects of an explosion or as a protective layer to absorb energy and possibly protect assets from damage caused by an external explosion. One such utilization of BlastWrap® are the prefabricated BlastGard® models 91 and 101, which are trash receptacles with BlastWrap® integrated into the receptacle.